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The 'sad' SUCCESS STORY of Milan-IN, or the 'American Dream' of Andrea Falzin

03/03/2007 13364 lettori
5 minuti

The 'sad' SUCCESS STORY of Milan-IN, or the 'American Dream' of Andrea Falzin

A very impressive title, right? :) But the content will be even more impressive, trust me! So I'll begin...
But I'll not start directly with Andrea's story, I'll make it in a different way... Can I? :)

Andrea Falzin


Some earlier, only few months ago, it was Marco Marzagalli, one of the most active contributors to success of Milan-IN, to leave its active role of Manager of the Operations Committee. It was a sad news for us, the 'colleagues' of Marco in this project, but we were so much happy for his career growth as his friends. 

Marco is a strong professional, he has got the great new job so he had to leave Italy and is now available to us as an on-line contributor only...:) It's better than nothing, but it can not be compared with all the great things we've done together while Marco was here!
But anyway there is nothing so much exciting in the story of Marco you'll say. A great professional has found the great job outside of Italy so now he has no possibility to participate actively in the life of this Italian non-profit. And that's OK!

Now the Andrea's case: One of the most passionate of Sales/Marketing (NLP, bla-bla-bla,etc.), The Head of Marketing Team of Milan-IN, our great friend and colleague, Andrea Falzin, is now leaving the role of active contributor to Milan-IN ...
It's for sure the great lost for Milan-IN, and it's the same 'personal happiness' for Andrea's friends as in the case of Marco, but (!!!) Andrea hasn't just got another (better) job,-

Congratulations to Andrea Falzin, one of the best Networkers in Italy!
Andrea will be managing the Italian branch of very famous French Social Network- VIADEO. And we wish the best luck to Viadeo, to Andrea Falzin and to Eric Didier- the new Manager of Andrea and the man that asked our opinions while he was looking for “The best Networker in Italy”.

Milan-IN is hoping to have some interesting collaboration with Viadeo in the future, we're open and innovative. And now we are becoming even some famous :),- the non-profit project that grows up Country Managers for the Leading Social Networks worldwide!
Andrey Golub
Andrey Golub

Andrey Golub, 33 anni, originario ex-USSR, si è trasferito in Italia nel 2002. Si occupa di R&D nel Social Computing e sviluppo software per Web 2.0 e Mobile 2.0, è fra i fondatori di un software-house in Bielorussia. Lavora a Milano

Co-founder e VP nel Social Business Networking Community di Milano, Milan-IN (

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