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16/01/2008 31183 lettori
4 minuti


preface: CRM 0.0 (in this context) stands for Customer relationship management (organizational process, PC/Network software system, or a person resp. for this area- so CRM Admin/Manager). 

The CRM 1.5 tag could be assigned to a Web based CRM system, like SugarCRM for example, which is an Open-Source btw. It's not a CRM 1.0 anymore 'coz it's already dynamic Web and a very progressive development.


Do you think that CRM 2.0 should be a CRM 1.5 with some added 2.0 features/access to some 3-rd party 2.0 services? hm.... I think this is still just the old good CRM 1.5 just with the UI 2.0! :) Instead...

I think the real CRM 2.0 (as a term) should be used as (Customer)COMMUNITY RELATIONSHIP MANAGEMENT.

This could be applied as CRM 2.0 System to a tool for Customer Community Management, and also to the person who will be resp. for the area of Community Management in a company, CR Manager 2.0, more technically (in respect of the software system it operates over)- a CRM 2.0 Admin.

Of course that means also providing all the modern 2.0 tools for customer community life and its (self-?)development- Blogs, wikis, social tagging, content sharing and tagging etc, but also the classifal for Web group collaboration automation.

We know that just "Customer" does not exist anymore, customers make part of your Brand, your Company, your Product-  they have become YOUR CUSTOMER COMMUNITY. And so this COMMUNITY will require:

  1. to be understood, stimulated so "managed" on the level of human relations. From here comes the new organizational role, area manager- Community Relationship Manager (person), probably CR Manager 2.0 or who can invite a better acronym.
  2. a tool for their Customer Community Life. The most tools that exist today are or
    • made from scratch by every company for itselt, or
    • those are Facebook communities, I call them Fan Club 2.0 (I love soo much this term!), but those are not the real communities that "belong" to your brand, or
    • hose use NING or similar platforms, not so highly  configurable to be "re-branded" and so on lots of lacks for a small/medium size companies.
  3. An expert user of the tool from (2), which is an official responsible for CRM 2.0 System for a certain community- the CRM 2.0 Admin (not usually the same as CR Manager 2.0 which is more an Area Manager).

Finally, about the job title CR Manager 2.0: I think it's more straight than the one of Community Manager (are we sure that the free-spirit community WANTS to be managed? :lol:), or the Community Evangelist (I believe Evangelist stands more for Marketing 2.0/ PR 2.0 Manager that follows a brand/ start-up/ Product, not an Operative Responsible for Community Life).

Well, it's enough to begin thinking about the subj. I think I'll come back soon to this idea/ problem.

Andrey Golub
Andrey Golub

Andrey Golub, 33 anni, originario ex-USSR, si è trasferito in Italia nel 2002. Si occupa di R&D nel Social Computing e sviluppo software per Web 2.0 e Mobile 2.0, è fra i fondatori di un software-house in Bielorussia. Lavora a Milano

Co-founder e VP nel Social Business Networking Community di Milano, Milan-IN (

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