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Spamming on Social Networks

13/03/2007 11719 lettori
1 minuto

Social spamming, or Milan-IN is defending the principle of TRUST on Social Networks (LinkedIN)

As it usually works in the blogosphere, everything starts with a personal opinion of somebody, expressed in the form of Blog article. And also this story has started with Michael's article, “Another junky LinkedIN request”...

the problem of today's spamming is really huge, and now the Network has passed to us another “good application” of spamming- through the Social Networks Insiders. It's awful to see how the Social Networks are evolving, and we here at Milan-IN, feel ourselves obligated to contribute in fight for the lost “trust principle”.
We're the Club of real people so we do not have the problem to trust each other, but anyway our roots are in Social Networking!

well, just see it yourself. The full story is in the article of Michael, one of Milan-IN leaders and experienced Networker.
Andrey Golub
Andrey Golub

Andrey Golub, 33 anni, originario ex-USSR, si è trasferito in Italia nel 2002. Si occupa di R&D nel Social Computing e sviluppo software per Web 2.0 e Mobile 2.0, è fra i fondatori di un software-house in Bielorussia. Lavora a Milano

Co-founder e VP nel Social Business Networking Community di Milano, Milan-IN (

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