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Managing Your Online Identity

14/03/2008 11816 lettori
3 minuti

Managing Your Online Identity

from spock web-> Important Stuff-> Managing Your Online Identity

How people find you is important - whether it is making a first impression for a first meeting, an interview, a sales call, or even a date. With the internet increasingly being used as a tool to search for information about people, how you are found on the web more important than ever. Search engines like Google and Yahoo! provide individuals with no ability to shape how their information appears in a "search result" when someone types in their name. Spock does.

Spock can help you to manage how you are found, and most importantly what is found about you. The first step towards managing your online identity is putting the information you want seen about you online. That allows you to control what is being said about you. The second step is staying up to date on new information about you as it appears. Spock allows you to do just that.

With Spock you can:

  • Claim your search result so people can contact you easily
  • Add relevant data to ensure that people find the right information about you
  • Encourage friends to verify your search result to make it more credible
  • Sign up for alerts to get notified every time new information is found about you

From there, Spock will handle the rest. Our unique search technologies will ensure that when people search for you on Spock you will not only be found, but found the way you want to be found. More importantly, Spock search results will appear in leading search engines like Google, ensuring that the search result you have created for yourself is the one that gets noticed as opposed to other pages or other people.

Managing your online identity is no small task. If you have an issue with your online identity or are concerned about identity fraud, consider visiting one of Spock's partners below.

About Spock

Spock is the leading people search engine. We combine next generation search technology and community contributions to create relevant results. Our mission is to help you organize and find information about people in your life. More information is available on our about page.

Andrey Golub
Andrey Golub

Andrey Golub, 33 anni, originario ex-USSR, si è trasferito in Italia nel 2002. Si occupa di R&D nel Social Computing e sviluppo software per Web 2.0 e Mobile 2.0, è fra i fondatori di un software-house in Bielorussia. Lavora a Milano

Co-founder e VP nel Social Business Networking Community di Milano, Milan-IN (

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