Xing, it's about Business Networking on-line in YOUR Language!
Business Networking on-line in YOUR Language?
With Xing it's possible- I can use Italian, or English or... even Russian!
It was an amazing discovery for me this morning, and I must admit it's so much stupid to me to not have known it before- XING, the European Leader in Business Networking on-line, is available in SEVERAL languages, including RUSSIAN!
p.s. Russian- it's not so much important to me, it's just a big LOL and joy. however- THANK YOU, GUYS!
in order to setup Xing platform UI in your preferred language, one of:
- Deutsch
- English
- Español
- Português
- Français
- Italiano
- Russian
- Svenska
- Nederlands
- ,,,,
just go to your profile settings -> language settings.
and select what you need. Enjoy!