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Andrey Golub

Andrey Golub

Andrey Golub, 33 anni, originario ex-USSR, si è trasferito in Italia nel 2002. Si occupa di R&D nel Social Computing e sviluppo software per Web 2.0 e Mobile 2.0, è fra i fondatori di un software-house in Bielorussia. Lavora a Milano

Co-founder e VP nel Social Business Networking Community di Milano, Milan-IN (

Si puo' trovare di piu' su Linkedin (

Xing, it's about Business Networking on-line in YOUR Language!
29/03/2008 11818

Xing, it's about Business Networking on-line in YOUR Language!

With Xing it's possible- I can use Italian, or English or... even Russian!

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[IDEE-IN] Corporate blog e business social networking: quanto sono utili in Italia?
29/03/2008 17072

[IDEE-IN] Corporate blog e business social networking: quanto sono utili in Italia?

lo chiediamo a Paolo Furini, Direttore Marketing di BEA Systems Italia.

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[IDEE-IN] Fare Proximity Marketing.
20/03/2008 21608

[IDEE-IN] Fare Proximity Marketing.

Intervista a Luca Zambrelli, Business Developer Manager.

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[IDEE-IN] Intervista Mirko Cocco, CEO di Mediadepot
17/03/2008 16305

[IDEE-IN] Intervista Mirko Cocco, CEO di Mediadepot

Passione per musica, video. professione- Media Production, poi nasce Mediadepot

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Create your own YouTube™ with MediaDepot©
15/03/2008 12234

Create your own YouTube™ with MediaDepot©

an innovative web application for media placement

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MORE THAN ZERO Crossmedia Festival
14/03/2008 15:00:00 13077

MORE THAN ZERO Crossmedia Festival


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[IDEE-IN] Le frontiere nel mercato dei velivoli senza pilota (UAS)
14/03/2008 21081

[IDEE-IN] Le frontiere nel mercato dei velivoli senza pilota (UAS)

Frontiers in Small UAS, Paolo Marras, Aermatica, Italy

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Managing Your Online Identity
14/03/2008 11709

Managing Your Online Identity

How people find you is important

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CREA Conference 2008, 16 - 20 Aprile 2008
13/03/2008 13666

CREA Conference 2008, 16 - 20 Aprile 2008

Un Evento sulla creativita, creative problem solving e l’innovazione

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Online Business Communities- Instantly Create and Manage Your community with Agork
13/03/2008 16544

Online Business Communities- Instantly Create and Manage Your community with Agork

founded by Diego Vicamini (Founder & Managing Director)

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